Communicating with local people in a foreign country can pose difficulties, whether it is asking for direction or making a special request at a restaurant. But Vocre, a new iPhone app released by translation company myLanguage, aims to ease those problems by enabling users to translate their spoken voice into […]
Managing mobile devices entails a level of complexity unheard of in the traditional enterprise world of Windows desktops. MDM software needs to control devices from multiple manufacturers, running different versions of as many as five operating systems, tied to carrier networks with their own particular constraints. This makes mobile device […]
College class’ online video rates iPhone 4 and a Samsung Focus running Windows Phone 7 as superior to the Android-based HTC Thunderbolt and a RIM BlackBerry Storm A “minor” college class project intended to demonstrate how first-time users fared in doing basic tasks on different smartphones has triggered an Internet […]
Apple goes all in on multi-touch gestures in its new OS Computerworld – Apple has finally unleashed OS X 10.7 Lion, the revamped operating system for the company’s desktops and laptops. Lion is the latest in a string of major OS revisions released over the past 11 years, and this […]
Apple’s view of the tablet is now the accepted model, but one that most commodity competitors still haven’t figured out A commodity play struggles in an unformed market Ironically, the fact that tablets are new should have given Samung, HP, RIM, Acer, Dell, and everyone else a shot at standing […]
Microsoft is trying to woo Android application developers, offering them help in porting applications to Windows Phone. The company has released a Windows Phone API mapping tool for Android developers to help them find their way around the Windows Phone platform. Developers should think of the tool as being like […]
I was talking about colleges with my son the other day to see what he is interested in for a possible major. I was hoping and praying he wouldn’t say English since my guidance there would be like trying to divide by zero or philosophy because that meant he’d be […]
“No doubt you’re going to see significant security issues with people uploading different things to the cloud,” says Nemertes Research analyst Andreas Antonopoulos. “You saw that over the weekend with the Chinese hackers who hacked into government officials’ Gmail accounts. Why were those people using Google for email when they’ve […]
Opposition to AT&T’s T-Mobile land grab is growing Meanwhile, opposition to the AT&T merger with T-Mobile is growing. The FCC has posted a list of 50 questions for the giant carrier, asking it to defend claims that the $39 billion acquisition, which would give the combined company about 130 million […]
Summary Joshua Topolsky has posted a mockup of the iPhone 5 based on information from “a variety of sources.” The rumor consensus to date has been that the iPhone 5 won’t be radically different from the current iPhone 4, basically just updated specs, but Topolsky says “that’s not the story […]