During an address to other CIOs, Tony Scott shared details of his efforts to move various Microsoft systems to the cloud He may run IT for one of the best-known names in technology, but even Microsoft’s CIO is grappling with new technology challenges like moving to the cloud and handling […]
Despite ever-increasing Mac sales, Microsoft still has an undisputed dominance over the computer industry. With such a vast presence, much has already been written about Microsoft: Its history, its products, even its former CEO Bill Gates. For those itching to know even more, we’ve dug up 10 snippets of info […]
Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer is set to reveal his own rival to the Apple Tablet, according to The New York Times Bits Blog. We first learned about a Microsoft tablet device in September. We believe tomorrow’s announcement will be about the same device, currently called the Courier. Best Microsoft […]
Given the parade of Apple iPad competitors—Motorola’s Xoom, BlackBerry’s PlayBook, Samsung’s Galaxy Tab and tablets from Dell and HP—and the lack of traction the have it’s almost too easy to dismiss a player like Lenovo. Don’t. Lenovo reportedly has an interesting Android 3.0 ThinkPad tablet slated for June. Big deal? […]
Summary Joshua Topolsky has posted a mockup of the iPhone 5 based on information from “a variety of sources.” The rumor consensus to date has been that the iPhone 5 won’t be radically different from the current iPhone 4, basically just updated specs, but Topolsky says “that’s not the story […]
According to reports, Apple is almost ready to release a cloud-based music storage service compatible with iTunes. Sources say the product is finished, and Apple might be ready to launch its service before Google’s competitive product sees the light of day. Several sources close to the matter and aware of […]
Next week, RIM’s first tablet, the BlackBerry PlayBook, will finally go on sale. Before we took the PlayBook to the labs for testing and itsfull review, we unboxed the tablet and played with it, taking photos all along the way, to give you a look at what you’ll get if […]
Apple opened its first retail store in 2001. Since then the number of brick-and-mortar Apple stores has soared to more than 320 worldwide. In fact, there’s even a Web site, ifoAppleStore that exists for the sole purpose of reporting Apple store news. A recent report from the site suggest that […]
11. ESPN ScoreCenter 1.5.3 ESPN Inc.,www.espn.go.com Sports fanatics with iPhones should download ESPN Scorecenter. It allows you to keep track of your favorite sports teams on a single page, read the latest analyses from ESPN, and provides push notifications when games start or teams score. Sportacular is also a smart […]
Criminals carried out more but smaller data thefts last year than in previous years, indicating a shift toward simpler exploits that run lower risk of punishment, according to Verizon’s latest data breach report. In 2010 the number of breaches skyrocketed to 760 from 141 the year before, according to the […]