Process Automation Accredited Professional Exam covers Process Automation capabilities of Salesforce. (Process Builder, Approval Process, Flow, Workflow, Einstein Next Best Action)
About the Exam
Content: 60 multiple-choice / multi-select questions
Passing Score: 41 out of 60 questions
Process Automation Accredited Professional Exam Outline
Flow Basics:
Given a scenario, choose the right automation tool
Describe how and when to use Flow Builder and Process Builder
Describe how and when to use Approvals 17%
Tools and Best Practices:
Elaborate on the capabilities, limitations, components, and elements of process automation tools
Explain the options and steps involved in creating Flows, Processes, and Approvals
Describe automation best practices 34%
**Testing, Distribution, and Monitoring: **
Identify test cases
Describe declarative distribution options
Describe monitoring capabilities including Flow Interviews 22%
**Use Cases: **
Map process automation capabilities to specific requirements for various use cases including sales, service, and portals 27%
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Exam Study Course
Exam curriculum is available on Salesforce Partner Learning Camp. Please refer to Accredited Professional Partner Community Page for details.
Process Automation Accredited Professional Exam Important Topics
Given a scenario identify the recommended process automation to be used. (Workflow vs Process Builder vs Flow)
Given a scenario identify where flow should be run is User Mode Vs System Mode
Different Screen Flow Components
How can Experience cloud users be assigned approvers
Given a scenario identify use of Apex vs Automation Tools (Flow, Process Builder)
General Flow Limits
Versions per flow: 50
Executed elements at runtime per flow: 2,000
Per Transaction Flow Limits
Flow Interviews
A flow interview is an instance of a flow, much like a record is an instance of an object. The flow interview can do many things, including look up and manipulate Salesforce data. In an interview, you can pass data into variables and other resources. The data can come from a variety of sources, such as Salesforce records that the flow queries, information that a user enters in a screen input field, or something that you manually enter.
Testing/Debug Options in Flow Builder (Run Flow as another User, Run & Debug Buttons)
Where can flows be accessed on screen
Lightning pages
Flow actions
Utility bar
Experience Builder page
Custom Lightning components
Visualforce pages
Web tabs
Custom Buttons and links
Monitor Flow & Processes
Path and Kanban
Flow Best Practices
Flow vs Workflow Rule
What automated actions can be added to an Approval Process
Automated Actions
When can a process be triggered
A record change process starts when a record is created or updated
An event process starts when a platform event message is received
An invocable process starts when something else, like another process, invokes it
Different Action Types available Process builder
Apex (Apex Method with @InvocableMethod Annotation)
@InvocableMethod(label=’yourLabel’ description=’yourDescription’)
Only one method in a class can have the @InvocableMethod annotation.
The invocable method must be static and public or global, and its class must be an outer class.
Other annotations CAN NOT be used with the InvocableMethod annotation.
Invocable methods can have 0 OR 1 AND ONLY 1 parameter.
These methods can accept only a list of X or list-of-lists of X.
primitive data types
sObject type
generic sObject type
Create a Record
Email Alerts
Flows (Autolaunched Flow)
Post to Chatter
Processes (Invocable Process)
Quick Actions
Send Custom Notification
Submit for Approval
Update Records (Any related record)
Set Time options for Scheduled Actions
Set Time for Action to Execute
X Days(Hours) After(Before) Date(Now)
Flow Types
Screen Flow
Record-Triggered Flow
Schedule-Triggered Flow
Start DateStart Date
Start TimeStart Time
Platform Event-Triggered Flow
Autolaunched Flow
Flow Types
Steps to use Logic Elements in a Flow (Assignment, Decision, Loop, Collection Sort)
Approval Process Actions (Initial Submission, Final Approval, Final Rejection, Recall)
Options for responding to Approval Requests (Approve / Reject Button on UI, Email, Chatter)
Can Formula fields be rolled up with Rollup-Summary Field?
A. Yes
B. No
Answer: A
What are Connectors in the Flow Builder?
A. Are containers that hold data values. Like variables.
B. It is the start element which can in some flows be programed to regulate when the Flow should trigger.
C. They Define the behaviour of the flow, they are the building bocks for defining various actions.
D. Are the paths defined between the various elements that represent the order of execution.
Answer: D
Process Builder, Workflow and Flow: Which of them CAN’T invoke apex code?
A. Flow
B. Workflow
C. Process Builder
Answer: B
Which of the following is the first to execute in the automation execution order?
A. Duplication Rules
B. After Triggers
C. Workflow Rules
D. Validation Rules
Answer: D
Who are the only users that in an approval post would be able to see the Approver Names and the
approval action button?
A. The members of the Team
B. The Approver
C. The Manager
D. The Owner
Answer: B