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Mail Server Benchmarking with MAPSMailer

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Maps Mailer is an interactive console application designed to stress test your incoming and outgoing and Mail servers.
It works by connecting to your SMTP server and from there generates a large volume of mails to be received by your incoming mail server.
Once the benchmark cycle completes, MAPSMailer will display the total mails transmitted per second and the bandwidth consumed.

Application Use:
As a mail server administrator it’s beneficial to know just how much load your servers can handle.
This tool can assist you in knowing what the peak operating rate is of your incoming and outgoing mail servers. Additionally it can assist you in identifying network bottlenecks and helps you measure the result of your mail server configuration changes.

Application Platform:
This tool has been written for the windows platform using the .net framework version 2. Any fairly recent OS like XP SP2+, Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 2008 comes preloaded with the .net framework version 2.

Comptia A+ Training, Comptia A+ certification
Best Microsoft MCTS Certification, Microsoft MCITP Training at certkingdom.com

Application Files:
There are two files. The main executable and the configuration file.
1. MAPSM.exe
2. MAPSM.exe.config

The configuration is contained in an xml called app.xml.
Here you set your SMTP username, passwords, port number, SSL flag, sender and recipient address fields.

<?xml version=”1.0″?>

<!– server settings –>

<add key=”SMTPServer” value=”” /> <!– ip or hostname of your outgoing mail server –>
<add key=”SMTPUsername” value=”” /> <!– leave blank if no username required –>
<add key=”SMTPPassword” value=”” /> <!– leave blank if no password required –>
<add key=”SMTPUsesSSL” value=”” /> <!– yes or no –>
<add key=”SMTPPort” value=”” /> <!– –>

<!– message settings –>

<add key=”MessageFrom” value=””/> <!– sender@place.com –>
<add key=”MessageTo” value=””/> <!– recipient@place.com –>
<add key=”MessageSub” value=””/> <!– mail subject line –>

<startup><supportedRuntime version=”v2.0.50727″/></startup></configuration>

Running the application:
Once you configuration is setup. Run the application.
You will be prompted to set the maximum concurrent SMTP connections the program can use.
The benchmark will run for approximately 30 seconds after which you are presented with statistics covering the total mails that where sent per second, minute and hour along with the estimated network bandwidth consumption.

Comptia A+ Training, Comptia A+ certification
Best Microsoft MCTS Certification, Microsoft MCITP Training at certkingdom.com

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