Acquiring IT certifications of MCTS certification is the dream of a amount of IT professionals throughout the world. As a amount of fact, accepting success in Microsoft accepting exams is the a lot of difficult adventure on the allotment of IT professionals. It requires arduous efforts on the allotment of […]
First-quarter profit of $5.41 billion Microsoft has announced record financial results, with Steve Ballmer announcing $16.20 billion in revenue for the first quarter of its 2011 fiscal year, with $5.41 billion in profit. Ballmer and co. are citing Office 2010 and the sustained ‘PC refresh cycle’ as the key drivers […]
There are abounding online assets for advancing for the MCITP certification exams Read beneath to ascertain why ActualKey is your arch antecedent for convenance tests, and accurate testing environment. We are all able-bodied acquainted that a above botheration in the IT industry is that there is a abridgement of superior […]
I was talking about colleges with my son the other day to see what he is interested in for a possible major. I was hoping and praying he wouldn’t say English since my guidance there would be like trying to divide by zero or philosophy because that meant he’d be […]
“No doubt you’re going to see significant security issues with people uploading different things to the cloud,” says Nemertes Research analyst Andreas Antonopoulos. “You saw that over the weekend with the Chinese hackers who hacked into government officials’ Gmail accounts. Why were those people using Google for email when they’ve […]
Get CertKingdom Microsoft 70-680 exam training tips straight from the front lines with 70-680 Exam dumps. With 100% free dump access to literally thousands of brain dumps and special 70-680 exam braindumps. You get quality MCTS 70-680 exam dumps from reliable IT community members who have already passed their 70-680 […]
Apple iOS 4.3 is a well-designed, stable mobile operating system that remains one of the best in the smartphone and tablet arenas. But it isn’t perfect. Recently, the rumor mill has been cranking out speculation stating that the OS’ successor—iOS 5—will see a drastic overhaul that will bring a slew […]
Its wakes you up, kicks you into the day’s tune, and keeps you punctual. It captures your perfect moments, connects you to the internet, and keeps your favorite music library a button away. That’s all that an iphone does which is more than most phones out there can do. This […]
Opposition to AT&T’s T-Mobile land grab is growing Meanwhile, opposition to the AT&T merger with T-Mobile is growing. The FCC has posted a list of 50 questions for the giant carrier, asking it to defend claims that the $39 billion acquisition, which would give the combined company about 130 million […]
Google is giving Android Market users a new way to evaluate applications even as it struggles to keep malicious ones off the store. The “+1” feature on the Android Market is intended to be a more personalized complement to the standard star-based app-rating system that users have traditionally employed to […]